Intriguing Technologies...
LorinsPOST Selected Intriguing Technology - Introducing Aereo:
By Pete Lorins
Aereo is a novel media streaming broadcasting technology that streams cable TV content into its subcriber's computers while circumventing the establishment TV networks' fees. I tis very appearling to subscribers who might have missed their favorite sports matches and TV sitcoms as they can watch them all at the comfort of their computer screen or smart phones.
Aereo was launched by Mr. Chet Kanojia in New York City in 2012. Mr. Kanojia is an Indian immigrant who came to the U.S. to study engineering, and after working for a few companies he conceptualized Aereo on a piece of nicotine wrap and knew at that point that it would challenge the establishment cable TV networks. We chose his technology as this period's intriguing technology not only because of the innovation behind it, but also because of the fact that it uses a legal loophole to legally circumvent any infringement issues and challenge the status quo. Aereo has challenged the status quo so much that the establishment Cable TV networks networks are challenging it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
How Does Aereo Work?
Aereo assigns mini-half-inch antennas to its subscribers, but instead of placing them on the homes of the subscribers like the establishment media networks do, it actually installs them on its own leased properties. The establishment broadcasters argue that despite Aereo's use of the legal loophole to stream their contents, the streaming itself still amounts to an illegal "public performance".
Aereo's argues that it is working "within the law". Kanojia said, "we have been accused of overengineering our system purposely to comply withthe law. What's wrong with that?" Kanojia, who has managed to get major investors like Barry Diller - the mogul responsible for creating Fox Broadcasting, begs to differ and argues that: "because the ways TV networks make their money have changed over the past few decades, it does not mean that they get to do a do-over when someone builds a more efficient system." He is referring to the fact that major TV networks have been increasingly depending on fees paid by intermediary companies that carry their programming (content) and since Aereo pays nothing to the establishment broacasting networks for their content, the latter are appalled so much that they are currently suing Aereo all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
We will be awaiting the results of the legal proceeding. But in the mean time, we selected Aereo as one of the most modernly innovative and legally precedential technologies that can mipact the way impact the way we view cable TV media streaming all over the World.
Mr. Pete Lorins is our chief editor and he can be reached at: