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Maybe? Sometimes? Never? Well, I’ll let you be the judge after reading this article…

The term is so offensive that it is often safely referred to as the “N-WORD”. It is probably the most offensive word in the English language. People of all races, color and national origin or even religion, appear to know of its existence, yet most simply refrain from using it. It is simply a term that is packaged with so much hate-based history that just the thought of it appears to shock the conscience of any human being. A derivative form called “nigga” has been used by Urban or modern youngsters as an attempt to minimize the effect of the term, yet even the latter is found to be patently offensive by many, just like sagging (one’s pants) is as well.

According to, the term “nigger” can be defined as follows:

1. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.

a) A contemptuous term used to refer to a black person or a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.

2. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. A contemptuous term used to refer to a person of any racial or ethnic origin regarded ascontemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

3. A victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by black people; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

A reasonable person should be able to infer that out of the above three definitions, the third one seems to contextualize the true meaning of the word “nigger” as it is used in the context of those who choose to offend others in a manner that is similar to the way Blacks used to be offended and discriminated against, or simply disenfranchised.

So, are Some of Us “Niggers”?

Undoubtedly, because by the third definition, if a person allows himself to either act like victim or live his/her life through the prisms of a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by Blacks during and after and as a consequence becomes economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised, then such a person is by the above definition nothing short of “A NIGGER”.

“NIGGERS” are thus individuals who have no desire to be part of society in a meaningful way. They see themselves as continuous victims and cannot possibly see themselves as “victors”. As a consequence, they fail to take part in the economic, political and social processed that can help them ascend in the success totem pole.

Accordingly, “NIGGERS” feel comfortable to beg for money and try to use others’ compassion to earn a living as opposed to tapping into their God-given intellectual prowess to survive. Niggers are forever victims of past and current racism and simply don’t see a way of becoming victors.

The problem is not with the “niggers”, rather it is with failed leaders who are lost and burdened by their own fears, insecurities, low-self-esteem, self-hate, and victimhood. There is a need to DE-NIGGERIZE a substantial part of our society, to catalyze accountability and dependability/reliability among all people. Dr. Cornell West refers to “niggerized people” as those intellectual leaders who failed to keep the promise of helping the less fortunate thrive and in essence contribute in inducing them to accept their victim-hood state as a permanent state of being. As a victim, a “nigger” sees most features, or things that belong to him as inferior and that of others as superior. It is because the “nigger” is associating what’s different from him/her with quality, and what’s like him or her with mediocrity. Accordingly, the “nigger” tries to needlessly emulate other traits that may not belong to him/her and fails to find, identify and secure his/her own beauty and that of his/her family.

The less “niggers” society has to deal with, the better. Niggers have no manners, no social skills, no etiquette, i.e., they don’t know what to say and when to say it. Many people have understandably refrained from using the term “nigger” in public, but it that does not imply that they don’t say it at home or in their mind.

We can never legislate manner and morality. However, we can and should always teach our children how NOT to become “niggers” or how not to be viewed as a nigger neither by folks of the same race, nor by folks of a difference race, national origin and religion.

We don’t need to be viewed or thought of as “niggers”… rather, we should be viewed a decent, competent and contributing members of society, unless we have a proven mental or physical disability, and even then, there are things that we should and can do to do our fair share and feel like a productive member of society to maintain a balance or healthy mixture or pride, humility and dignity.

A “nigger” can be White, Black, Yellow or Brown or any variants of people of such races. Being a “nigger” is actually the act of being in the above-mentioned a state of mind. Historically, during slavery, Blacks were categorized as such, but modernly, niggers of all races can be found right here in America. In fact, modernly, far too many White Americans have become niggers despite having "White Skin Privilege". This elevates their level of niggerization by a factor of 10 since Blacks usually have to work 10 times as hard or be 10 times as smart as a White to get the same level of acknowledgement historically.

Dr. Lorins is the chief editor of This article was sponsored by

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