LorinsPost.com AND Lorins Research Institutue (LoRI) are working strategically to independently and professionally research "illegal and unethical" discrimination allegations which include discrimination in housing, employment, and education directed at protected classes of individuals, particularly Black Americans.
The purpose of this research is to collect unbiased data as to inform those that disparately discriminate that they actually do in order to give them an opportunity to self-correct or self-advance.
The general hunch is that despite the fact that slavery was abolished and that laws had subsequently been passed as to prevent post-slavery retaliation against Black Americans, they are STILL disproportionately disenfranchised in 2017. Moreover, traditional anti-discrimination entities have become simply figure-heads to say the obvious or to receive "hush/appeasement" money to make matters go away.
The fact is that even certain typically Black American names may induce potential employers and renters or even sellers to reject their applications or offers/bids.
Please note that illegal discrimination is not only inherently linked to Whites since other Americans (including Blacks) have also been brainwashed to stereotype and disenfranchise Black Americans, especially Black American men. Many other groups (including some Blacks) have been trained to become White supremacists in many aspects of their lives even if it is only a matter of being conditioned or bamboozled. The sad part is all those groups may be in DENIAL about it all.
Discrimination is a very serious matter. While many will have individually worked hard to secure their children's future by securing both wealth and education for them, should the CONSCIENCE of MANY AMERICANS be not targeted, there is a plethora of Blacks that will have remained disenfranchised, and since it will have been more of the same, the more things appear to change on the surface, the more they will have remained the same. The purpose of this project is to deal with this major issue which affects far too many Black Americans from the time they are born to the time they return to their maker.
Research Investigator/Spy Qualification Criteria
1. High School Graduate or Above 2. Professional 3. Experienced and Compentent in a Particular Field 4. Coachable 5. Driven or Passionate 6. Kind and well-mannered 7. Courteous
8. Qualified Black and White Applicants are Encouraged to Apply, but so can others.
Investigators/spies may be required to fill out applications, submit resumes/CVS, call to schedule or confirm appointments, return phone calls, professionally appear for interviews, accept job offers and even start working for a researched company, leave voice and electronic mail (email) messages and reply to voice messages and email messages etc.
Again the ultimate goal is to OBJECTIVELY collect data, which will be analyzed either to support/reject allegations of discrimination or "open the eyes" of those that actually discriminate as to the extent of their damage not only on Black Americans but also on society at large.
Please Forward your RESUME/CV to the following Email address: