ON THE TABLE OF BROTHERHOOD: as envisioned by Dr. King while Others Criticize them…
It is rather IRONIC to me that while most Liberals and Republicans are fighting and while Blacks and Whites differ on so many issues, KANYE and TRUMP are acting more like DR. KING envisioned... LIKE BROTHERS… all while those that are acting like bitter enemies over political differences, race, color, religion, gender or national origin; THE VERY THINGS that the U.S. constitution or laws that were generated therefrom had been amended to prevent. It is good to see any level of BRO-MANCE between a WHITE MAN and a BLACK MAN for a change.
We are supposed to live LIKE BROTHERS... RIGHT? Does that mean that we must agree with each other all the times? NO... but it also should not mean that we should DESTROY each other's whole legacy and reputation over minor sins/shortcomings.... of course, when someone attacks TRUMP or KANYE, they will fight back. Every cornered animal will bite, however, they are showing more decency and love among each other than most of the rest of the presumed MORE MATURE AMERICANS who often open THEIR BIG MOUTHS with that HOLIER THAN THOU mentality that so many religious people have and which I happen to hate. Such schmucks are so pure and utter no profanity on the surface, YET their hearts are more hardened than ROCKS and attitude towards others are more bitter than most medicines.
Trump and Kanye Hugging During their October 11, 2018 Meeting at the Oval Office (White House)
Dr. King envisioned or dreamed that one day little or big Black boys and girls will sit TOGETHER at the “Table of Brotherhood” despite their past and present differences based on both varying and immutable characteristics. Dr. King brokered legal deals with racist White men too, but that did not make him STUPID!
America is about FREEDOM. And one of the most important freedoms is that of speech as embedded in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Thus, on October 11, 2018, it was good to see a BLACK MAN who has not been afraid to publicly criticize a previous White Republican Male POTUS (i.e., George W. Bush) admire and publicly love another one (i.e., Donald Trump). This is true exercise of this very freedom without regards to race. Kudos to you KANYE!
YES, we know that WHITE MEN ARE MORE PRIVILEGED than other groups…
YES, YES, YES TO EVERY OTHER TRUISM that you have to say about all INJUSTICES that exists in America… BLAH BLAH BLAH…
How about singing a new song because after a while the other song gets rather BORING or at least it loses its POTENCY… the message gets DILUTED or simply reaches a state of ATTENUATION.
Far too many Blacks have adopted a VICTIM mentality… Far too many Whites have pretended that America is not racist or that Whites are not privileged…
So, what you assert that TRUMP is racist or misogynist or that America is racist or not racist or even MARCH… what are you marching for? Are you having a dialogue with a decision maker? Does anyone care?
But, what are you actively doing about it? Are you meeting with your community leaders weekly? Are you meeting with the POTUS like Kanye did? Are doing anything at all?
YET – you sit there in the comfort of your cozy couch or car or office and exercise your freedom of speech in a way that is INFERIOR to that of Kanye because it is not even bringing any issue on the table UNLESS you call DOWNGRADING one of your best artists out there just because he dares to differ from you and dares to be non-monolithic.
So, yes, we do have a problem as a race and even nation. While we treasure the freedoms that America offers, we chastise those that exercise such freedom.
If you think you can do better than KANYE did, meet the POTUS like he did! Well, first of all, you probably would not influential enough to even get to meet the POTUS. Secondly, should you get to meet him, you’d probably focus on the pettiness of race, White-skin privilege and other TRUISMS that we all already know about… but the question is SO WHAT?
Your Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather talked about those same issues… YET the question remains:
What are you doing DIFFERENTLY about it?
Kanye’s father was absent in this life, and he suffered from sleep deprivation and/or falsely diagnosed of being bi-polar and he’s talked about all those personal things along with what is plaguing inner city youths of Chicago where he was raised and is living now…
HE IS IN THE OVAL OFFICE talking to the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD in his OWN LANGUAGE and ORIGINALITY, and you UPPITY NEGROES sit at home doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about these causes and the best you can do is criticize him!
It is APPALLING to see to say the least!
I, on the other hand, can accept imperfections in others and even walk away from certain situations while still loving them and appreciating their talents and GUTS to speak their minds not in the comfort of their homes, but PUBLICLY and on a World stage. So many are so PRIVATE about their imperfections UNTIL it all blows up in their faces. It isn't that serious folks. In the end, you too will DIE and head exactly in the same destination as us imperfect mere mortals. GEEZ!
KUDOS to Kanye and TRUMP… for being Mavericks and challenging the STATUS QUO and talking about things that others wouldn't dare to utter even if they were paid to do so; and for being AMERICAN BROTHERS while others fight and hate each other along party, racial and religious lines.
Most geniuses were called stupid, idiots and all other derogatory names by the people that end up worshiping their accomplishments later. I am not calling TRUMP or KANYE geniuses as only time will tell, but they are certainly different from the typical WHITE and BLACK MEN out there. And sometimes we have to be DIFFERENT to bring about DIFFERENT RESULTS. I have been called DIFFERENT often, and trust me, I do not want to be MONOLITHIC or NORMAL. It is boring and often way too stagnant for me. That's why men like TRUMP and KANYE are appealing to me despite their human imperfections.
That’s all I am saying…
============== FEEDBACKS ==============
Nick M.
The only part of the article with which I would disagree is your contention that ALL of America is still racist. If that were the case, then President Obama would never have been elected in a million years. I agree there is still racism present in this country, but I truly believe it is now in the minority, not the majority, and that, unfortunately, it probably may never go away completely. Sometimes, you can't change people's hearts no matter how hard you try, and you certainly can't legislate racism away. Those citizens out there who profess to be Christians and still harbor hate and resentment to minorities/people of color have to take a hard look at themselves and decide if that is an attitude that Jesus Himself would approve. However, despite what some on the left believe, race relations in the U.S. are heading, albeit slowly, in the right direction. Look at yourself. An immigrant from a poor country, you came to the U.S. and achieved both JD and MD degrees. Do you think this would have been possible even if we look back just to the 1960s and 1970s, which was not all that long ago? I don't think so. Anyway, as I stated, I have just that one criticism. Otherwise, a very insightful article, which may upset both the right and left (if that is the case, then you know you have done your job well, my friend). I am going to repost this for others to see as well. Thanks, Pete!
My Response:
Great point, Nick... "ALL" always implies generalization. and I stand corrected!
...a lot of people including me have AMNESIA about what American meant to them when they flocked to it... A lot of people underestimate the freedoms that America afforded them at least once in while (including me)... A lot of people take DUE PROCESS for granted... YET we won't know how much America means to them until they are STUCK in a freedom-less or underdeveloped country and begging THE PRESIDENT to do something about it.
Tony SBD and Darryl B: Kanye needs to get off what ever drugs he’s taking
Darryl F He and Trump are on the same drugs; ignorance, arrogance, and craving attention. Sadly many others are experiencing a “contact high” as a result of listening to them.
My response: Time always tells Tony and Darryl... Remember that many were told that they were INSANE for their initial beliefs... Jesus Christ, Galileo, Einstein and now the World is adoring their work! Never go by what the masses feel to innovate or to believe... common sense is not so common and innovation is in the minority.
Dino S.: Great insight, as always, Pete!
Darryl: Arrogance, sowing discord, and stroking each other’s egos are not innovation. They are the oldest vices known to mankind.
My Response: They are both innovative entrepreneurs... Kanye is worth billions and so is TRUMP... we should appreciate their talents even as we criticize them. We should respect all human beings for their talents.
Re: TRUMP and KANYE Remember that many were told that they were INSANE for their initial beliefs and ways... some were even killed or institutionalized... Jesus Christ, Galileo, Einstein and others, YET now the World is adoring either them or their work! Never go by what the masses feel to innovate or to believe... common sense is not so common and innovation is in the minority.
Kathleen T.M. I believe that generation is disappearing and growing old and dying off as a child my mother grew up in Philadelphia and she was discriminating against black people before she left the Earth she voted for Obama she thought he was sexy as Frank Sinatra I about dropped on the floor so people do change even in their old age with life and all that we go through and with God by our side all things are possible through Jesus Christ that we remain on Earth as brothers and sisters and I do believe we all our brothers and sisters around the world no matter what color you are
My Response: Interesting story about your Mother, Kathleen!
Tony SBD and Darryl B: Kanye needs to get off what ever drugs he’s taking
Darryl F He and Trump are on the same drugs; ignorance, arrogance, and craving attention. Sadly many others are experiencing a “contact high” as a result of listening to them.
My response: Time always tells Tony and Darryl... Remember that many were told that they were INSANE for their initial beliefs... Jesus Christ, Galileo, Einstein and now the World is adoring their work! Never go by what the masses feel to innovate or to believe... common sense is not so common and innovation is in the minority.
Darryl: Arrogance, sowing discord, and stroking each other’s egos are not innovation. They are the oldest vices known to mankind.
My Response: They are both innovative entrepreneurs... Kanye is worth billions and so is TRUMP... we should appreciate their talents even as we criticize them. We should respect all human beings for their talents.
Re: TRUMP and KANYE Remember that many were told that they were INSANE for their initial beliefs and ways... some were even killed or institutionalized... Jesus Christ, Galileo, Einstein and others, YET now the World is adoring either them or their work! Never go by what the masses feel to innovate or to believe... common sense is not so common and innovation is in the minority.
Kathleen T.M. I believe that generation is disappearing and growing old and dying off as a child my mother grew up in Philadelphia and she was discriminating against black people before she left the Earth she voted for Obama she thought he was sexy as Frank Sinatra I about dropped on the floor so people do change even in their old age with life and all that we go through and with God by our side all things are possible through Jesus Christ that we remain on Earth as brothers and sisters and I do believe we all our brothers and sisters around the world no matter what color you are
My Response: Interesting story about your Mother, Kathleen. Thanks for sharing it!
I disagree with those that called him (Kanye) all the bad names they could...
A conservative news site, WesternJournal.com, “Last night on CNN, Kanye West was called a ‘token negro’ and a ‘dumb negro,'” the Turning Point USA communications director declared in a Twitter post.
“I want you guys to imagine if those words were EVER uttered on Fox News. CNN has finally committed to going full blown RACIST,” pointed out Owens, who is herself African-American and a friend of West.
Then she made it clear that the left was acting desperate because they are losing their control over black culture.
“They want their slaves back,” she pointed out, hitting on a theme that West has also talked about.
I believe he admits his flaws more than many of us do, and I believe he is part entertainer, part realist... Unlike too many of us, he knows that RACISM is here to stay, but having access to the POTUS to talk about Black issues when YOU and I ARE TOLD he is TOO RACIST to deal with BLACKS... my friend, the latter speaks for himself. TRUMP is against whoever is AGAINST HIM... and like most Whites, he has stereotypes that both BLACKS and WHITES have established about WHITES... BLACK PEOPLE call white hair texture GOOD HAIR, and theirs COARSE/BAD HAIR...is a gun being pointed to their heads? BLACK PEOPLE perpetuate many NEGATIVE STEREOTYPES about themselves too? TRUST ME!
Re: TRUMP and KANYE Remember that many were told that they were INSANE for their initial beliefs and ways... some were even killed or institutionalized... Jesus Christ, Galileo, Einstein and others, YET now the World is adoring either them or their work! Never go by what the masses feel to innovate or to believe... common sense is not so common and innovation is in the minority.
After slavery ended, many Blacks accepted so many negative stereotypes that did emanate from slavery, but we do have A CHOICE TODAY... that was his point, and I believe that the same people that are asking for CHOICE for abortion should have a CHOICE to represent Blacks in the most favorable light. And many don't... many are too scared to go to a ghetto... many simply don't care about Black people and they are Black.
A MORON is a stupid person. Kanye is more successful at what he does than most Blacks are in America. So it is stupid of any Black to call him stupid. He calls the leader of the free World his friend on a first name basis, and you call that STUPID... I am not stupid enough to call that stupid my friend!
MLK shook hands with racist presidents too as he brokered deals based on such access, but that did not make him a "TOKEN NEGRO" or a place him in a SUNKEN PLACE or whatever the heck you want to call it!
Dr. Pete Lorins is the Chief Editor of LorinsPOST.com; this article was sponsored by PeteLorins.com